
Jurnal Agriuma

Published past Universitas Medan Area

ISSN : -     EISSN : 26571730     DOI : 10.31289

Core Field of study : Economy, Agriculture,

Jurnal Agriuma is a journal that discusses the scope of business-based agriculture or other fields that support it, both in the upstream and downstream sectors. The term "upstream" and "downstream" refers to the main view that agribusiness works in the food supply concatenation. Agribusiness, in other words, is an economic perspective for the concern of providing food. Equally an academic subject, agribusiness studies strategies to proceeds profits by managing aspects of cultivation, supply of raw materials, post-harvest, processing, to the marketing stage. In the context of agribusiness management in the academic world, every element in agricultural production and distribution can be explained as agribusiness activities. However, the term "agribusiness" in general society frequently emphasizes the dependence of these diverse sectors in the product chain.

Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Pertanian dan Biologi (Semua) - Agronomi dan Ilmu Tanaman

Articles 34 Documents

ANALISIS USAHATANI PEPAYA (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Secanggang, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara)


Lubis, Yusniar


Lubis, Mitra Musika
Jurnal Agriuma Vol ane, No two (2019): Agriuma Oktober

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Area

Bear witness Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v1i2.3025

The purpose of this written report was to investigate papaya cultivation, to analyze the costs of product and acceptance and profits of papaya farmers, and to analyze the feasibility of papaya farming in Secanggang Commune, Langkat Regency. Research in Secanggang District, Langkat Regency, Due north Sumatra Province. Determination of the inquiry expanse is carried out by Pusposive (intentional). The study was conducted in May - July 2017. The sampling method was conducted by census by taking 28 papaya farmers who had plant life above 1 year. The results showed the condition of land availability was 0.5 ha so that the spacing was not suitable. The cultivation technique has not been improved even though it has been experienced for 15 years. This is evidenced by the productivity of papaya land at only 19,260.51 kg / ha. While papaya land productivity is good 20-35 tons / ha. The average  farmer income is Rp. 29,468,571 per farmer or Rp. 59,255,411 per hectare per year. Farming income obtained is Rp. 22,333,539 per farmer or Rp. 44,823,477 per hectare per year, and after adding the TKDK value, the family income of Rp. 23,889,254 per farmer or Rp. 48,500,888 per hectare per year. RCR value is greater than 1 so it is concluded that papaya farming in the study surface area is classified equally feasible. Every expenditure of Rp. 1 will generate revenue of Rp. 4.13.



Astuti K, Retna


Saragih, Faoeza Hafiz
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Agriuma April

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v1i1.2291

Tofu is one of the foodstuffs that plays a role for nutritional balance and is one of the people'south favorite side dishes. The purpose of this study is to find out what factors influence consumer demand for white tofu in the metropolis of Medan. The sampling method is washed by purposive sampling method. Respondents in this written report were consumers who consumed white tofu in the household. Information obtained from white tofu sellers in Petisah Marketplace, Sei Sikambing Market and Helvetia Market and samples taken were 45 respondents, each 15 respondents in each market. Data collected are primary information and secondary data. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression exam with SPSS 20. The results of this study concluded that the variable toll of white tofu, tempe prices, fish prices, income and the number of dependents simultaneously had a significant event on the need for white tofu in Medan. Partially the variable toll of white tofu and fish prices has a significant consequence on the need for white tofu in Medan, while the variable price of tempe, income and the number of dependents does not significantly influence the need for white tofu in Medan.

Model Pembangunan Pertanian Pola Interaksi dan Interdependensi dalam Memanfaatkan Fasilitas Pelayanan Sosial Ekonomi di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Harahap, Gustami


Harahap, Fatmawaty


Pane, Erwin
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 2, No one (2020): AGRIUMA APRIL

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: x.31289/agr.v2i1.3512

People often experience problems in their daily activities, especially service problems, such as long queues and long enough public affairs.  This trouble occurs not only in urban communities but in rural communities too experience the aforementioned trouble, both socio-economic aspects. This pattern of interaction and interdependence is an effort in order to utilize the socio-economic service facilities that can improve the welfare of rural communities, particularly in the farming community which can later apply the patterns that volition be applied in Serdang Bedagai Regency. The approach method used in this enquiry is the Structural Equetion Model (SEM) arroyo. The chief trouble examined and examined in this study relates to "Application of patterns of interaction and interdependence of rural communities in Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra Province.

ANALISIS PEMASARAN KOPI ARABIKA ( Caffea arabica ) (Studikasus: Desa SitinjoII, Kecamatan Sitinjo, Kabupaten Dairi) Manalu, Ester Megawati Boang


Saleh, Khairul


Saragih, Faoeza Hafiz
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Agriuma Oktober

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Surface area

Testify Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v1i2.2840

 ABSTRACT               Because the importance of arabica coffee commodity for farmers, a articulate flick of arabica java marketing aqueduct from producer farmer to final consumer (Merchant) is needed and then that the turn a profit tin exist every bit distributed. This study aims to determine the marketing channel, margin, marketing efficiency of arabica java in the village of Sitinjo 2, Sitinjo Subdistrict, Dairi Regency. The method used is proportionate stratified random sampling every bit much as 50 farmers while collecting merchant samples taken by demography method that is equally much every bit five traders and for the factory is taken as many as ii factories with Purposive sampling method. The results showed that in that location are two channels of arabica coffee marketing at the location of research that is, the first channel starts from the farmer to the mill in the village Sitinjo II Sitinjo District. The 2nd channel starts from the farmers, the collecting merchant proceeds to the factory in the village of Sitinjo Two, Sitinjo Subdistrict. The biggest marketing margin is RP.4.000 found on aqueduct II and the more than efficient channel is on channel I with an efficiency value of vii.51%. 

Analisis Perwilayahan Komoditas dan Kontribusi Kopi Arabika Terhadap Pembangunan Wilayah Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Bangun, Rita Herawaty
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 2, No ane (2020): AGRIUMA APRIL

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Surface area

Show Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Cheque in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v2i1.3552

Arabica java is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in the economy and regional evolution in North Tapanuli Regency. This study aims to identify the area of production base of Arabica coffee commodity, its distribution characteristics and the role of the Arabica java commodity in supporting regional evolution in North Tapanuli Regency. The data used are secondary information from 2016-2018. Data analysis methods used are location quotient assay, localization and specialization assay, basic service ratio analysis and expanse multiplier. The results showed that the Arabica coffee base area based on product indicators in North Tapanuli District were Parmonangan District, Sipoholon District, Tarutung District, Siatas Barita District, Pangaribuan District, Sipahutar District, Siborongborong District, Pagaran Commune, and Muara Commune. Arabica coffee article farming is non localized and concentrated in a detail sub-district surface area but rather spreads in several sub-districts and does not specialize in Arabica coffee commodity farming. Arabica java commodity tin can support plantation activities and regional development in North Tapanuli Regency.

Faktor â€" Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Deli Serdang) Aini, Syarifah


Mardiana, Siti


Siregar, Rahma Sari
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 1, No i (2019): Agriuma April

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Area

Prove Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v1i1.2309

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana permintaan terhadap jamur tiram di Kabupaten Deli Serdang dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi permintaan jamur tiram di Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Agustus sampai September 2017. Metode pengambilan sampel untuk sampel konsumen jamur tiram menggunakan metode snowball sampling ,yaitu berdasarkan informasi satu konsumen tetap dari petani jamur tiram ke konsumen berikutnya sebanyak 30 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata permintaan konsumen jamur tiram di Kabupaten Deli Serdang adalah 4 sampai dengan 9 kg/bulan.Faktor â&#8364;" Faktor yang mempengaruhi secara serempak memiliki nilai signifikan terhadap permintaan jamur tiram di Kabupaten Deli Serdang yaitu harga jamur tiram, harga sayuran lain, jumlah anggota keluarga, pendapatan dan selera. Secara parsial bahwa harga sayuran lain dan pendapatan berpengaruh nyata terhadap permintaan jamur tiram dengan nilai t-hitung untuk variabel harga sayuran lain lebih besar dari t-tabel 3,302 > 1,711 yaitu nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari alpha 0,003 < 0,05, sedangkan untuk variabel pendapatan nilai t hitung 2,507 > 1,711 dengannilai signifikansi 0,019 < 0,05.

Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Agroindustri Opak di Desa Tuntungan I Kecamatan Pancur Batu Kabupaten Deli Serdang Harahap, Iffan


Habibi, Dian


Rizal, Abdul
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 2, No 1 (2020): AGRIUMA Apr

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Surface area

Evidence Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v2i1.3723

The agricultural sector in Indonesia notwithstanding has many opportunities and has bright prospects that have not yet been explored. In the agribusiness system, agro-manufacture is one of the subsystems which together with other subsystems form agribusiness. Cassava is an of import source of saccharide in the earth. In Indonesia, cassava is the number three staple food after rice and corn. The purpose of this research is to determine the Opak Industry Agro Marketing Strategy in Tuntungan I Village, Pancur Batu Commune, Deli Serdang Regency using survey methods, while data analysis is washed using descriptive methods and SWOT assay. The results of the study evidence that the strategy obtained is the And so (Strengths-Opportunites) strategy, which is to apply the ability to take reward of existing opportunities by increasing production past optimizing the availability of raw materials to increment product marketing in the market. (S1, O1) Optimize market share from outside the region by utilizing raw textile prices (S2, O2) Empowering family workers in utilizing supporting facilities and infrastructure in the production process (S1, S3-O3) Utilizing the selling cost of products to improve local food products became a trend of the customs with a marketplace share of products outside the Region (S4.02, O4).



Harahap, Gustami


Lubis, Mitra Musika
Jurnal Agriuma Vol one, No 2 (2019): Agriuma Oktober

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Cheque in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v1i2.2873

In North Sumatra thereÂ&#160; isÂ&#160; oneÂ&#160; typeÂ&#160; ofÂ&#160; horticultureÂ&#160; plant,Â&#160; strawberry,Â&#160; especiallyÂ&#160; in Karo district. The purpose of this studyÂ&#160; wasÂ&#160; toÂ&#160; findÂ&#160; outÂ&#160; whatÂ&#160; factorsÂ&#160; influenceÂ&#160; theÂ&#160; levelÂ&#160; of income of strawberry picking agrotourism farmers themselves, knowing the price of theirÂ&#160; own picking strawberry agro-tourism business and knowing whether the pickingÂ&#160; strawberryÂ&#160; agro- tourism business itself is feasible. The sampling method is usedÂ&#160; byÂ&#160; theÂ&#160; CentralÂ&#160; theoremÂ&#160; limit method, the total population of strawberry farmers in Karo RegencyÂ&#160; isÂ&#160; 60,Â&#160; inÂ&#160; this study 30 farmers were made as representative samples of the entire population. The data collected is primaryÂ&#160; andÂ&#160; secondaryÂ&#160; data.Â&#160; TheÂ&#160; analyticalÂ&#160; methodÂ&#160; usedÂ&#160; isÂ&#160; multipleÂ&#160; linearÂ&#160; regressionÂ&#160;Â&#160; with SPSS 21, BEP software tools and business feasibility analysis usingÂ&#160; RÂ&#160; / CÂ&#160; Ratio.Â&#160; (1) From the study using multiple linear regression analysis tools which have positive effect on strawberry farmers'Â&#160; income,Â&#160; namelyÂ&#160; salesÂ&#160; andÂ&#160; expenditureÂ&#160; volumeÂ&#160; ofÂ&#160; RT.Â&#160; (2)Â&#160; AnalysisÂ&#160; ofÂ&#160; dataÂ&#160; from (BEP), it is known that the salesÂ&#160; volumeÂ&#160; reachesÂ&#160; theÂ&#160; level of 478.80 Kg with a selling price ofÂ&#160; Rp. 52,760 / Kg, then the sales result is Rp. 38,304,239, with the results of the sale, the strawberryÂ&#160; pickingÂ&#160; agro-businessÂ&#160; itselfÂ&#160; was Â&#160;declaredÂ&#160; even.Â&#160; (3)Â&#160; Analysis of the feasibility of the own strawberry picking agrotourism business inÂ&#160; KaroÂ&#160; Regency,Â&#160; obtainedÂ&#160; theÂ&#160; resultsÂ&#160; of RÂ&#160; / C> 1, and so the concern is economically viable.Â&#160;

Comparative Assay of Consumers Behavior Who Shop for Daily Nutrient in Modren and Traditional Market Kurniawan, Mayang


Lubis, Mitra Musika


Simanullang, Endang Sari
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 2, No 1 (2020): AGRIUMA APRIL

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Expanse

Bear witness Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: ten.31289/agr.v2i1.3709

This written report was conducted to decide how the differences in consumer behavior and factors that influence behavior consumers purchase daily staple food in the Modern Market and Traditional Market. The sampling method is done by simple ramdom sampling. Respondents in this written report is that consumers buy daily staple food in the Modern Market and Traditional Marketplace. Samples taken are as many as 72 samples of daily staple food consumers. The data collected are primary data and secondary information. The analytical method used is Mann-Whitney Test and ordinal regression with 18 SPSS software tools. Based on test results Mann-Whitney Exam showed: signal a pregnant difference consumer behavior purchase daily staple food in the Modern Marketplace and Traditional Market to the value Asymp. Sig 0,001 (<0,005), where the mod market that has a higher value than Traditional Market place. Based on test results ordinal regression showed: factors affecting behavior consumers buy daily staple nutrient in the Modern Market and Traditional Market is price, locations, product quality, consumer satisfaction. Factors individual and production information has no affecting behavior consumers buy daily staple food in the Modern Market place and Traditional Marketplace.Keywords: modern marketplace; traditional market; consumer behavior.



Tantawi, Ahmad Rafiqi


Siregar, Rahma Sari
Jurnal Agriuma Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Agriuma Apr

Publisher :

Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v1i1.2318

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran okra serta bagaimana efisiensi saluran pemasaran okra di Kecamatan Medan Kota. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah secara Purposive (Sengaja). Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 24. Berdasarkan prasurvey yang dilakukan terdapat 2 pasar modernistic, yaitu Pasar Berastagi dan Transmart Carefour yang menjual okra, maka diambil masing-masing pengumpul dari ii pasar mod tersebut, dan 2 konsumen dari pasar tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Snowball Sampling serta metode perhitungan Microsoft Excel. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa saluran pemasaran okra di Kecamatan Medan Kota mulai dari petaniâ&#8224;'pedagang pengumpulâ&#8224;'pedagang pengecerâ&#8224;'konsumen okra, Saluran pemasaran okra yang berada di Kecamatan Medan Kota, Kota Medan,ditingkat lembaga pemasaran pedagang pengumpul dan pedagang pengecer efisien. Pada pasar tradisional yang lebih efisien ditingkat pedagang pengecer sebesar 3,07 %. Sedangkan untuk pasar mod saluran pemasaran yang lebih efisien terdapat pada pedagang pengecer dengan tingkat efisien sebesar 0,27%.

Folio ane of 4 | Total Tape : 34